Four Ways That Your Vet Can Help Your Dog With Heatstroke In Australia

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Straying In: Latest News About Vet Treatments

Mahatma Gandhi said, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." How incredibly insightful and true. When my children were growing up, we always had various pets on our property. My children were constantly bringing home strays to be nurtured and loved. I still have plenty of animals around because my children leave their pets with 'grandma' when they go travelling. At present, I have two dogs, three cats and a parrot! Over the years, I've always stressed the importance of regular vet visits. As soon as a stray was brought home, I would make an appointment. The simple preventative treatments provided by our vet saved a lot of money and heartache. I like to keep up to date with the latest vet treatments. I hope this blog provides useful information for those who care about animals. Thank you.


Four Ways That Your Vet Can Help Your Dog With Heatstroke In Australia

28 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Heatstroke is a serious condition that occurs when the body's temperature rises quickly, causing damage to the brain, heart, and muscles. It can be fatal if left untreated. 

Certain dogs such as Labradors and Cocker Spaniels are at a higher risk of developing heatstroke because they have short noses, which makes it harder for them to pant effectively when they're overheating. Other factors that can increase your dog's risk include obesity, being an older dog, or having underlying health problems such as heart disease or kidney issues.

Here are four ways that your vet can help with heatstroke:

1) Your Vet Can Provide Fluids To Prevent Dehydration 

Your vet can provide fluids to prevent dehydration. Dogs cool themselves by panting, which expels water from their mouths as steam. If they don't have enough water in their system, they will not be able to cool down properly.

IV fluids can help replenish the body's water levels. Your vet can also provide electrolyte solutions to replace minerals and salts that have been lost through sweating. 

2) Your Vet Can Provide Oxygen 

Dogs with heatstroke may not be able to breathe properly due to swelling in the airways. This makes it hard for them to get enough oxygen into their system, which is crucial for surviving this condition. Your vet will provide oxygen therapy by placing an oxygen mask over your pet's mouth and nose. This helps ensure that there is enough oxygen flowing through their system for them to survive until they've been cooled down enough for their body temperature to return to normal levels again.

3) Your Vet Can Provide Cooling Techniques 

Your vet will use various cooling techniques to help your dog's body temperature return to normal levels. They may place cool packs or towels on the animal's stomach, back, head, and paws in order to cool them down. They may also use fans to circulate air and help cool the dog down more quickly.

4) Your Vet Can Monitor Your Dog For Any Complications From Heatstroke

Your vet will monitor your dog for any complications from heatstroke. They may take their temperature, check for dehydration and monitor their blood pressure to ensure that they are recovering properly. If your pet has a seizure, vomits, or loses consciousness, then you should seek medical attention immediately. 

If your dog is showing any signs of heatstroke, call your vet immediately. The sooner you get them to the vet, the better their chances of a speedy recovery.